Simply Swing

Dance Camp Booked

Your booking was registered.

Please note that your place will only be confirmed once payment is received. You can make a direct transfer to the banking details below. Or contact Markus on 0417 099 003 for other arrangements.

Total Cost: $[total_cost]

Banking Info

Bank: Westpac
Name: Simply Swing
BSB: 036 074
Acc#: 458684
Reference: [first_name] [last_name]

An email with booking details was sent to you. However, you should copy this information in case it does not arrive.

Paying By Cheque

Cheques can be made out to Simply Swing and posted to:

20 Dargin Way
Rockingham WA 6168

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Past Articles

  1. Medina Lane Way Opening

  2. Vintage Gangsta Car
  3. Greetings, The Shire of Kwinana has asked if Simply Swing can support the opening of the Medina Lane Way celebration. I have said yes, I am donating a dance floor to support this event as there is also going to be a 5 piece dance band. If you are interested in supporting this local event [...]
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  1. Inaugural Jazz By The Bay

  2. inaugural jazz by the bay
  3. It was a cold and rainy weekend. But the dance action at Dunsborough's first ever "Jazz By The Bay" was HOT! Intrepid dancers from Simply Swing braved the wintry weather for 3 days and nights of non stop fun. There were many great acts and the atmosphere at Clancy's Fish Pub was awesome [...]
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  1. Dunsborough Swings To Sound Of Jazz

  2. dunsborough swings to sound of jazz
  3. Young and old gathered at Dunsborough's Lions Park on Saturday afternoon to take in the festivities of the region's Jazz By The Bay inaugural event. The Times was on hand to grab snaps of Dunsborough and Busselton residents and visitors to the region enjoying a performance by dance troupe [...]
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