Albany Swing Workshop
The Swing workshop in Albany was a success.
A local group of enthusiasts is already planning regular practice times to keep the newly learned skills alive, so that the next time around we wouldn’t need to start from scratch again.
Way to go Albany!
Here’s a blurb from the local paper …
Dancers get rockin’ and rollin’
THEY were rockin’ and rollin’ in Albany last weekend when a swing dance workshop was held.
Organised by keen local dancers, the Simply Swing dance school workshops took participants through the basic steps of swing dancing over more than five hours on Saturday and Sunday.
Dance moves included the Double Turn-out, Lindy Circle and Jonnies Drop and the more adventurous Forward Pop.
Based in Rockingham, Simply Swing performed at a recent Jazz Masala event at The Dome creating great enthusiasm from locals keen to have a go.
» newspaper clipping [PDF]